After almost 40 years I finally found my calling

איך הבנתי אחרי עשרות שנים מה חשוב לי בחיים \ אורן כנען - אחדות
הצלם הוא כנראה אבא שלי :)

As a child, I noticed a dissonance in the behavior of the adults around me. It was something something deeply important that as a child I couldn’t quite put into words. Everything else in life seemed insignificant in comparison to that.

As I grew older, I began to doubt myself, thinking that maybe the everyone are fine and I was the one who “doesn’t get it”. The memory of the dissonance was pushed into my subconscious, leaving me feeling that whatever I did in life was meaningless because “there was something else I was supposed to be doing, but I couldn’t remember what it was”. This feeling of frustration lingered with me for a long time.

At times, I felt like I was getting closer to figuring out what I should be doing, while at other times, I felt completely oblivious, like in the game of hot and cold. Both experiences helped me because I could cross-reference them and determine what felt right and what felt like a waste of my time.

At some point, something clicked, and it all started to make sense – it was a real turning point for me. It happened during my relationship with my ex-girlfriend. Whenever intimacy was lost and replaced by what we called a “functional relationship”, my ex would become irritated, and we would end up in a raging conflict that could last for hours or even days. The only thing that would end the conflict and bring back the intimacy was surrendering to the truth – to stop trying to be right and face what really existed.

It’s not easy to admit one’s own feelings and perspective, especially when the other person is angry and judging you.

I learned that intimacy is the life-current of a relationship and that giving in to fear drives intimacy away. I also understood that what bothered me as a child about the adults around me was the lack of intimacy – and when I say “intimacy” I mean being real, authentic, connected and present, open-hearted, honest, involved, have a sense of belonging.

Years later, I learned how to create an environment that supports authenticity, allowing intimacy even where tensions and judgments exist, that would then be magically transformed into love.

I feel that it’s my calling to pass on to others the ability to grow their authenticity and intimacy in their relationships, whether romantic, friendly or with their friends.

You’ve read it all… cool!
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